Thursday, 27 September 2012

Old and New

It's funny how much one can improve with their painting and not even realize it. My Night Lords have seen very little light of day (pun intended) in the last year so I haven't really seen them much in that time. I have pretty fond memories of painting the army though and how proud I was of it at the time and thus I had this image in my head of how they were my best work to date. Well with the new codex on the way I'm going into Chaos mode and so I snatched up one of my yet unpainted Terminators and right away went to work. I had a few regrets on my last paint scheme for my Night Lords and that was primarily I ended up going a lighter shade of blue than I really envisioned but I got to far into painting them at the time to want to go back and correct it. I really want my Night Lords to be a vision of menace and evil. In my minds eye they are dark, brooding and have the overall feel of being shrouded in shadows. So this time around I went for a darker, more muted shade of blue. 

 To get to the point I ended up pulling out one of my old Terminators to compare side by side and was kind of shocked at how much I felt I had improved in two years. I've felt for a little while now that I hadn't been pushing myself enough and my painting skills had started to stagnate (compounded on by the fact that I had done so little painting in the last 6 months). It was quite encouraging then to put these side by side and see this. Anyway here's some comparison shots I just snapped. The Terminator in the left is the more recent one if it wasn't obvious, he's still not 100% done with work still needed on the trophy rack and power axe but it was close enough to snap these shots and get my point across. Let me know what you think of the new scheme too, especially if you like the darker, moodier look.


  1. Great look Z! The older ones look like Eavy Metal, or GW display models...the new one looks more like a Golden Daemon winner!

    How does one paint such a grimdark and superb scheme?

    1. Well first of all thanks for being my very first comment on the blog. As to how I paint like that, years and years of practice I guess, that and never being satisfied with my level of painting. Now by that I don't mean I never like any of my paint jobs, far from it, I'm quite proud of all of them. However I always strive to be better and push myself to always try new things and never just sit in a comfort zone and paint at the same level the rest of my life. So basically lots of practice and keep trying new things.

  2. Glad to be number one! And those are all very true points. even switching from armor to a bit of fleshy materials now and again keeps the bristles crisp as I say (which is what you want in this case!) But mainly I was referring to the specific paints you use mate!
